Annual Reviews Sciences Collection New E-Journals Available

With the renewal of our Annual Reviews Sciences Collection, we gain access to 3 new e-journals.

The Annual Review of Biomedical Data Science provides comprehensive reviews in biomedical data science, focusing on advanced methods to store, retrieve, analyze, and organize biomedical data and knowledge. The scope of the journal encompasses informatics, computational, and statistical approaches to biomedical data, including the sub-fields of bioinformatics, computational biology, biomedical informatics, clinical and clinical research informatics, biostatistics, and imaging informatics. The mission of the journal will be to identify both emerging and established areas of biomedical data science, and the leaders in these fields.

The Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems provides comprehensive reviews of significant theoretical and applied developments that impact the engineering of autonomous and semiautonomous systems. The broad fields of control and robotics are the major areas covered, together with connections to theoretical and applied mechanics, optimization, communication, information theory, machine learning, computing, and signal processing. The journal will cover important intersections with fields outside of engineering, including biology, neuroscience, and human behavioral sciences.

The Annual Review of Criminology provides comprehensive reviews of significant developments in the multidisciplinary field of criminology, defined as the study of both the nature of criminal behavior and societal reactions to crime.

Further info

All 3 titles are available via DiscoverEd or our Journals AZ list.