Oxford Handbooks Online – new e-books added

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We have added the following Oxford Handbooks to DiscoverEd:

The Oxford handbook of the Aztecs / edited by Deborah L. Nichols and Enrique Rodríguez-Alegría.
Oxford handbook of contemporary Buddhism / edited by Michael Jerryson.
The Oxford handbook of international climate change law / edited by Kevin R. Gray, Richard Tarasofsky, and Cinnamon Carlarne.
Late Victorian into modern / edited by Laura Marcus, Michèle Mendelssohn, and Kirsten E. Shepherd-Barr.
The Oxford handbook of British poetry, 1660-1800 / edited by Jack Lynch.
The Oxford handbook of the theory of international law / edited by Anne Orford and Florian Hoffmann.
The Oxford handbook of Islamic philosophy / edited by Khaled El-Rouayheb and Sabine Schmidtke.
The Oxford handbook of developmental linguistics / edited by Jeffrey L. Lidz, William Snyder, and Joe Pater.
The Oxford handbook of language and society / edited by Ofelia García, Nelson Flores, and Massimiliano Spotti.
The Oxford handbook of organizational identity / edited by Michael G. Pratt, Majken Schultz, Blake E. Ashforth and Davide Ravasi.
The Oxford handbook of Roman law and society / edited by Paul J. du Plessis, Clifford Ando, and Kaius Tuori.
The Oxford handbook of the economics of prostitution / edited by Scott Cunningham and Manisha Shah.
The Oxford handbook of Shakespearean tragedy / edited by Michael Neill and David Schalkwyk.
The Oxford handbook of the law and regulation of technology / edited by Roger Brownsword, Eloise Scotford, and Karen Yeung.

Further Info.

The following Oxford Handbook subject collections are available to the University of Edinburgh – Archaeology, Business & Management, Classical Studies, Criminology and Criminal justice, Economics and Finance, History, Law, Linguistics, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Politics, Psychology, Religion up to the end of 2016 copyright year.