We are trialling access to Elsevier’s ClinicalKey database until 22nd December 2016.
ClinicalKey is a clinical search engine that helps health professionals make decisions anywhere, anytime, in any patient scenario. ClinicalKey’s Smart Search saves time by preventing unnecessary extra searches. Look up “myocardial infarction,” for example, and Smart Search recognizes its acronyms, synonyms, related surgical procedures and drugs, as well as the fact that it’s a cardiovascular disease associated with high cholesterol.
ClinicalKey allows you to access the latest (indexed daily), most evidence-based answers in every medical and surgical speciality. It contains:
- 1400+ Topic Pages
- 1000+ full-text reference books
- 600+ full-text journals
- 17,000+ medical and surgical videos
- 300+ Procedures Consult videos and articles
- 2,200,000 images
- 50+ Clinics
- 850+ First Consult monographs
- 2,900+ drug monographs
- 4,500 practice guidelines
- 15,000 customisable patient education handouts
- Fully indexed Medline
- Clinical trials from the ClinicalTrials.gov database
- See the full list of content at http://elsevierresources.com/clinicalkey/files/2016/04/Master_Content_List.xls.
See the ClinicalKey overview video below…

Browse the e-resources on ClinicalKey
Further information
More information about ClinicalKey can be found at https://www.clinicalkey.com/info/uk/how-clinicalkey-works/ and a complete userguide is available at https://www.clinicalkey.com/info/uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2014/09/CK_UserGuide_Version2.0.pdf
Further video guides on the Topic Pages, Filters and Presentation Maker available at https://elsevierresources.com/clinicalkey/clinicalkey/trial-resources/
Log in for more personalised content – Interested in trying out the CME area, presentation maker area or saving search histories? Select Login, then “Other Institution Login”, then “UK Access Management Federation” from the drop down menu and then click on University of Edinburgh and then select ClinicalKey from the menu and then the Library link. You’ll now enter your EASE login and CME credits will be logged.
Access ClinicalKey on or off campus via the E-Resources Trials webpage or DiscoverED. Please fill out the trial feedback form with your comments on this trial and whether you would like the library to subscribe.
Pingback: Trials ending soon | E-Resources @ University of Edinburgh
When will we know whether the trial was successful and if the library will subscribe to the service?
Hi Emily, trial feedback is being reviewed and a meeting with the publisher has been set up next month. I’ll add an update here after the meeting.
Hi Emily,
This looks very likely to go ahead, in view of this, access to ClinicalKey has been turned back on while the final offer and licences are checked and agreed.
I have been unable to feedback on the feedback form.
Please continue with this service.
Hi Andy, Thanks for your message. I have passed on your comment to the Academic Support Librarians for Medicine.