New Nature Publishing Group e-journals available

3 Nature journals 2016

The following 3 new e-journals have now been added to DiscoverEd.

Nature energy

Nature Energy is interested in all aspects of energy, from its generation and storage, to its distribution and management, the needs and demands of the different actors involved, and the impacts that energy technologies and policies have on different societies.




nature coverNature Microbiology is interested in all aspects of microorganisms, be it their evolution, physiology and cell biology; their interactions with each other, with a host or with an environment; or their societal significance. Nature Microbiology provides a place where all researchers and policymakers interested in microorganisms can come together to learn about the most accomplished and significant advances in the field and to discuss topical issues.



Nature Reviews MaterialsNRM  is dedicated to publishing reviews and perspectives across the entire spectrum of materials science and engineering.





Further Info

The library subscription to Nature Publishing includes all Nature branded e-journal titles as well as selected other titles available from Nature Publishing.  These can be accessed from our e-journal AZ list located within DiscoverED.