The last few years has seen us all face challenges and embrace change – and the Charles Lyell Project is no different. The Project has said farewell to Elaine and Elise – and we thank them both for all their efforts and wish them well. We also need to thank existing University of Edinburgh, CRC and Digital Library staff for keeping the aims and objectives alive – and we can report that there’s been significant progress on recruitment, funding, digitisation, and, in conservation.
So – more blogs are GO!
Starting with conservation, we are delighted to signpost you to two brilliant blogs, detailing the work of the fantastic Interns who have been working on the Lyell papers and specimens.
Supported by Project Conservator Claire (her blog forthcoming) their light but expert touch has greatly enhanced the health and well-being of the collection. Find out more here:
Righting Letters – Conserving the Lyell Collection | To Protect and (Con)serve (

Reverse of an envelope addressed to Charles Lyell, part of the Acceptance in Lieu deposit. Photograph taken by Sarah McLean.