Home University of Edinburgh Library Essentials
September 10, 2024
Theo Andrew was one of the first supporters of Open Access at the University of Edinburgh. He started working with the University Library in 2003 on a couple of JISC projects named SHERPA and Theses Alive!, from which produced the Edinburgh Research Archive, which later became our OA repository and one of the most visited DSpace repositories. His comprehensive experience covers OA advocacy and payments, checking publishers and funders’ policies, dealing with copyright enquiries and FOI requests. Now he is the team manager, coordinating a team of five. Outside work, he enjoys running and rolling dice.
Eugen Stoica joined the University Library in 2007 as REF Publications Officer, a role that he resumed for the 2014 submission. Genuinely interested in OA & Copyright and legal matters in general, he is the service manager for the Library Copyright team. Presently he is the Library’s FOI practitioner and in charge of repository administration. A man of few words, he’s an amateur photographer, enjoys travelling and reading history.
Fiona Wright joined the team in 2012 as a Research Publications Assistant to help with the REF2014 submission. Since then, her hard work and professionalism earned everybody’s respect and got her in charge of the OA payments (worth in excess of 1 million pounds) so publishers and researchers alike should stay on the right side of her. She enjoys travelling, going out with her friends and sharing pictures from the top of Arthur’s Seat on early weekend mornings.
Michael Logan was involved in several projects with the University Library, the most recent being the PhD thesis digitisation project (17,000 volumes scanned and deposited in ERA – our OA repository) so in 2019 when he started working with Scholarly Communications Team he fell right into place. Besides managing ERA and producing incredible infographics, he helped with REF2021 submission and with metadata quality. His quirky sense of humour is matched only by his eclectic taste in music.
Rebecca Wojturska joined our team in March 2020 right at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and for 18 long months she didn’t meet her colleagues in person and never been in the (new) office. Rebecca’s background is in commercial publishing which is a perfect fit for her responsibilities managing and growing our Open Access Journal Hosting service. The latest service development includes a newly created Open Access Book Hosting Service. Her energy and passion for publishing extends outside work as she has her own publishing company focused on Gothic, horror and dark fiction in all formats.