Home University of Edinburgh Library Essentials
February 11, 2025
Below are the most viewed images (numbers 10-6) from our online images database (http://images.is.ed.ac.uk). Check back in to tomorrow to see numbers 5-1!
10. Native Americans riding a sea monster, 1621: D.s.e.4.21/2 (2014 rank = 10)
From the Nova Typis Transacta Navigatio Novi Orbis Indiæ Occidentalis, a fictionalised account of Benedictine missionaries which contains extraordinary engravings of mythical creatures, cannibalism and barbarity alongside authentic details of local customs, flora and fauna.
9. Skeleton in profile, contemplating a skull, 1543: Df.1.52 (new entry)
“A delineation from the side, of the Bones of the Human Body freed from the rest of the parts which they support, and placed in position.” From anatomist Andreas Vesalius’ De humani corporis fabrica.
8. The Castle of Coningsburgh, 1837: Corson P.2985 (2014 rank = 7)
Steel engraving by J.C. Bentley showing King Richard, Ivanhoe, Gurth and Wamba arriving at the castle of Coningsburgh for Athelstane’s funeral.
7. Papal Indulgence, 1497: Inc.235 (new entry)
Printed by Wynken de Worde, a prolific early printer in England, this indulgence was issues by the papacy as a means of raising money for the pilgrim shrine of St James, Compostella in Spain.
6. Ragamala Painting, 18th century: Or.Ms 114 (2014 rank = 8)
Detail of a Ragamala miniature entitled ‘Patamanjari ragini of Dipaka’, which depicts a young woman rushing to her house to escape the monsoon thunder and lightning.