Finding, managing, writing and sharing research – what tools do you use?

Posted on July 9, 2015 | in Altmetrics, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, College of Science and Engineering, Digital Communities, Finding Information, Gold OA, Library, Library resources, Open Access, Open Science, Publication, Research & Learning Services, Social Media, Social Networks | by

Do you use Google Drive or Word? Mendeley or Endnote? Google Scholar or Scopus? Open access or traditional journals? ResearchGate or repositories?

New tools are constantly being developed, as reflected in the list of 400+ scholarly communication tools (

Help us understand your current workflows and the tools you use for scholarly and research activities at University of Edinburgh by completing this survey, created by researchers at the University of Utrecht. The survey is aimed at anyone carrying out research (from Master’s students to professors), or supporting research (such as librarians, publishers and funders).

Survey link:

(this link is only intended for University of Edinburgh: please don’t distribute it further. If you want to share the survey with someone outside UoE, please use the generic link

The survey is easy and fun to fill it out by just clicking the tools you use. It takes 8-12 minutes to complete and you can opt to receive a visual characterization of your workflow compared to that of your peer group

The survey will run until February 2016.


Preliminary results

Preliminary results have been published:

On this site, you can also find background information on the survey. Eventually all (thoroughly anonymised) will be made publicly available.


The Utrecht University Library researchers behind this survey


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