Weekend with the Gallimaufry: Edinburgh University images added to Metadata Games
Posted on December 8, 2014 | in Collections, CRC, Development, Featured, Library, Library, Library & University Collections, Metadata Games, Research & Learning Services | by cknowles

Tiltfactor and the University of Edinburgh, Library and University Collections are excited to announce the addition of over 2,500 images from the University of Edinburgh to the Metadata Games platform. This collection, a miscellaneous “gallimaufry” (a confused jumble or medley) of digitised items from Special Collections, displays the sheer variety and breadth of material held by the Centre for Research Collections.
Metadata Games is a free and open source (FOSS) crowdsourcing gaming platform that entices players to visit archives and explore humanities content while contributing to vital records. The suite enables archivists to gather and analyze information for digital media archives in novel and exciting ways. Metadata Games contains tens of thousands of media items from over 40 collections represented by 10 institutions.
The Library Development team have been developing tagging games to enhance the descriptive metadata for images created by the Library’s Digital Imaging Unit. They are excited to see how the tags created by adding the Gallimaufry images to metadatagames will compare to the tags already collected through the games run at the University, with its staff and students. The tags created through the games will enable the University’s collections to be more visible to the world.

In partnership with the University of Edinburgh, spend a weekend with the Gallimaufry collection. On Friday 12th December, through Sunday, 14th December, Metadata Games will exclusively play images from this incredible collection, including the single-player games Zen Tag and the lovable Stupid Robot, and the two-player game Guess What. Metadata Games are free to play; register to keep track of scores and progress.
Happy tagging!
Sukie, Claire, Scott and Gavin.