Home University of Edinburgh Library Essentials
February 16, 2025
Two talks in a week, one in London, one in Warsaw
On Thursday last week I gave a presentation to the Association for Historical and Fine Art Photographs Conference in London, with particular focus on the work that MIMO has done on the digitisation of musical instrument collections but also highlighting how this has impacted on the presentation of collections within L&UC. The talk seemed to be well received, with lots of questions after the presentation. Overall the conference was heavily slanted towards the emergence of 3D photography and this is clearly something that we are going have to seriously think about in the near future.
On Sunday, Rachel Hosker and I travelled to a very chilly Warsaw to attend the NODEM conference, where we gave a joint presentation on the work on that L&UC has done on cross cutting and interdisciplinary approaches in dealing with collections, using digital tools. This followed on from the presentation that was delivered at the IC-INNFO conference earlier this year.
Nodem was first established in 2003 as a consortium of Nordic institutions but has since grown to a much wider international group. The focus of this year’s annual international conference was on digital cultural heritage – http://nodem.org/ – with the title ‘Engaging Spaces – Interpretation, Design and Digital Strategies’ and was held primarily at the newly opened Museum for the History of the Polish Jews. This was a genuinely stimulating conference from which we both returned with plenty to think about and loads of new ideas that hopefully we can build on here.
Travel wasn’t too great though, with a four hour delay on the return train from London on Thursday night, followed by a bomb scare evacuation at Edinburgh Airport on Sunday, turning a six hour journey into fourteen!
Norman Rodger
Projects and Innovation Manager