Study space during exams

Posted on November 28, 2014 | in Library, study | by


study_5th_floorNeed help finding study space?

In order to help ease pressure on study spaces in the Main Library during the busy exam period, Information Services (IS), EUSA and the University central room bookings team have worked together to identify alternative study spaces in the Central Area for our students.

The Study Map includes information on how far each alternative study space is from the Main Library, how many study spaces are available, opening hours, what kind of study space is available, if pcs and/or cloud printing is available, etc. These spaces are all available from Saturday 29 November to Friday 19 December, with access to the libraries and open access computing labs mentioned available out with this period as well.

*NEW* this year. IS have block booked 4 teaching rooms in the David Hume Tower Hub (adjacent to café) for the purpose of general study space for students. The space will be open weekends 8.30am – 9.00pm, and weekdays 8.30am – 10.00pm.

You can access the map at

The map is also on display in the concourse of the Main Library as you come through the entrance gates (next to the plasma screen) and look out for smaller versions of the poster around the University.

study_space_poster_photoOut with the central area there are other site libraries with study space and computing labs available.  You can find a full list of site libraries at

Remember there is a free shuttle bus service that runs between the Central Area and King’s Buildings (KB) campus during semester, Mon-Fri. Shuttle bus timetable:

You can also book other space individually using the Web Room Bookings as usual; availability is increased due to teaching having ended.

The Main Library is open as always 7.30am-2.30am seven days a week and during revision and exam periods there are restrictions placed on external reference/consultation users access to the building during the day, to ensure that optimal study space is available to University of Edinburgh students.

Caroline Stirling – User Services Division

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