Metadata Musing in Madrid: From Google to Big Data and Collections

Posted on September 11, 2014 | in Archives, Collections, Development, Library & University Collections, Presentations | by

Norman, Rachel and Claire have been spreading the word on our work on, ArchivesSpace and Cross Cutting Groups at the 4th International Conference on Integrated Data. They presented a paper showcasing the innovative and creative approaches developed by the teams within Library and University Collections and used the case studies of the Musical Instruments Museums Online (MIMO) project and ArchivesSpace to illustrate. Their presentation produced further questions from Italy, Greece and Poland on how we work cross sectorally and how DSpace is used on the techy side. There was even the suggestion of an award for the best slides!

Integrated Skills, Integrated Data slide

Delegates at the conference came from a number of institutions around the world with colleagues from Iceland, Greece, Germany, Italy and Korea. Other papers included two on Big Data, open access indexing and searching versus Google, the use and capturing of research information and one on mapping metadata to include information on conservation interventions alongside descriptive information on a collection item, written to international standards for Archives, Museums and Libraries.

It was clear from the discussions that took place throughout the conference that the work undertaken at the University of Edinburgh is competitive and pioneering, with the use of high level skills from across the disciplines of Archives, Libraries and Museums as well as the work on ArchivesSpace as a descriptive map-able tool and DSpace for repositories of digital information and images on our collections.

Their paper is available on our Open Access Research Archive ERA at [] and it will also be published in a special volume of AIP Conference Proceedings later this year. Further developments on these ground-breaking approaches will be highlighted to Scandinavian colleagues in December at the NODEM conference.

Rachel Hosker, Norman Rodger and Claire Knowles

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