Journal of Lithic Studies: First issue published on journal hosting service

Posted on May 2, 2014 | in Library, Library, Uncategorized | by

The first complete  issue of the Journal of Lithic Studies (JLS) has been published supported by the Library’s Journal Hosting Service.

The first issue focuses specifically on presentations from the 2013 International Symposium on Chert and Other Knappable Materials held in Iași, Romania. The articles cover a relatively wide range of topics in lithics studies such as use-wear analysis, raw material characterisation and research into trade patterns. This issue also showcases examples of research being conducted around the world, including North America, Europe, the Near East and East Asia.

The first issue of The Journal of Lithic Studies  can be viewed on the journal’s website – lithicshomepageimage

The journal is currently accepting submissions for the next issue (Volume 1, Number 2) which will be published in September 2014. JLS publishes articles on archaeological research into the manufacture and use of stone tools, as well as the origin and properties of the raw materials used in their production. Research from all geographic regions and time periods will be considered.

Although whole issues are published in March and September, the individual articles which make up the issues will each be published online within a few days of final acceptance. In the spirit of open scholarship, JLS is freely available to the general public. There are no fees to download articles, nor are there any fees to submit, review or publish articles.

To receive future updates from JLS, please register on the journal’s website at

Angela Laurins, Library Learning Services

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