Searcher Review 2014: Refine your search

Posted on March 7, 2014 | in Featured, Library, Library, Uncategorized | by

When you use Searcher, you’ll  usually return a large amount of results.  The limiters on the right of the screen make it easy for you to refine your search results. As part of the ongoing Searcher review, and to make it easier to understand what you’re searching,  we‘ve changed the wording of the limiters on the results screen.

New limiter labels:

  1. Library Catalogue
  2. All Library Resources (print and e-content)
  3. Full Text (e-content)


What does this mean?

Limit to Library Catalogue:  more or less the same as doing a search on the Classic Catalogue. You search books, ebooks, print journal titles and ejournal titles but NOT ejournal content.  Books (both print and e-books) are weighted to appear at the top of a results list.

Limit to All Library Resources (print and e-content):  this searches the Library Catalogue (as described above) PLUS the e-content (ejournals and databases) to which we subscribe. Again, books and ebooks are weighted to appear at the top of the results list.

Limit to Full Text:  Check this box to find results for which the Library  provides full text access. This includes ejournal and database content as well as e-books, but NOT print books.

Checking this box DOES NOT search the full text of an article or e-book. To search full text use the expander, ‘Also search within the full text of the articles’ which you’ll find in ‘Search Options’, under the search box on the Searcher homepage, or  by clicking ‘Show More’ under the ‘Limit to box’ on the results page.

There will be further changes to Searcher over the next few weeks. If you’ve any feedback or suggestions please get in touch:

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