LibQual iPad mini winners

Posted on December 9, 2013 | in Library, Library, Uncategorized | by

Congratulations to Robin Cathcart and Christina Mackie who won the two iPad minis we offered as prizes for completing the recent LibQual+ survey.


Receiving her iPad mini, Robin thanked the Library team for the ‘amazing’ survey prize and said, “I was happy to fill out your survey, as you all undertake very important work that is truly at the heart of the university.  I have always had a great experience with online library services and inside the main library itself here at the University of Edinburgh, and I hope my and other survey responses help you all to continue improving the high-quality services provided across the university”.

Robin is a Network Manager and Research Manager for the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre ( Twitter: @ukccsrc)


Christina, a third year Biology student who uses the Main Library most often, couldn’t believe her luck and was’ really, really pleased to have won such a ‘lovely surprise’.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. The LibQual report will be published in the New Year.

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