Beautiful Bindings

thesis on rickets 1 thesis on rickets 2

As part of our Thesis Scanning Service, when we come across a request for a thesis that has beautiful binding we make sure to scan and include these images in the digitised content.

A recent example of this is the beautiful golden marble effect shown above on William David Osler’s ‘Thesis on Rickets’ awarded in 1896.

The digitised copy of this thesis is available for download from the Edinburgh Research Archive (ERA), Edinburgh University’s digital repository of original research produced at The University of Edinburgh.

Download and view ‘Thesis on Rickets’ from the ERA archives’.

More information on our digitisation service can be found on our Thesis Scanning service page.

Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

Reading Rooms and visiting the Annexe

We run a fast and effective retrieval service for Annexe materials. If you want to consult the whole item we can have it sent to a convenient library location via our twice daily courier deliveries, and if you are wanting a chapter or article we can scan and deliver a digital copy directly to your inbox.


Reading Room Annexe 1

Occasionally, however, you may want to browse through a larger selection of Annexe materials which include: lesser used books, back issues of journals,reference maps and atlases, newspaper indexes and microfilm.

The Annexe also stores selected material from the Library’s Special Collections, University Archives and Lothian Health Services Archive (LHSA).

Perhaps you want to search through part of a journal run for relevant articles or browse the microfilms for a couple of years’ worth of newspapers. If so you’ll find a well-stocked kitchen, friendly staff and plenty of study space to spread out as you work.

The Annexe has two comfortable reading rooms and we can offer visitors use of an open access PC, a microfilm reader and an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) for searching items in the catalogue.


Reading Room Annexe 2

To arrange access to items from the Library’s Special Collections, University Archive s and Lothian Health Services Archive (LHSA) material stored in the Annexe, contact the CRC to first determine if a visit to the Annexe would be suitable.

To arrange a visit to the Annexe to access any of the other material simply send us an email ( or give us a call (0131 651 1523) to discuss a suitable time.

Despite our remote location out in South Gyle we’re relatively easy to get to either by the 2, 22 or 35 buses or by hopping on one of the regular trains that call at Edinburgh Park. You could even sneak in a visit to Krispy Kreme’s over the road while you’re out this way.

Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

Maria O’Hara, Library Annexe Assistant

Library of the Centre for the Study of World Christianity now at the Annexe

The Library of the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non Western World (CSCNWW), which was located in Thomas Chalmers House, adjacent to New College, was moved out to the Annexe over the summer break and is now available to students and staff at all library sites via the Library Annexe retrieval service.

The space in Thomas Chalmers House being previously used to house the library collection was generously loaned by the School of Divinity but is now required for other purposes. Previous access to this collection was haphazard and managed by postgraduate students in the department. Moving the collection out to the Annexe provides regular reliable access to material that was previously available only sporadically.


Study spaces in the New College Library

Additionally this move is going to allow cataloguers the chance to properly examine and update the collection.  This means a greater wealth of information in regards to what is held in the collection, making location of research and study materials much easier for students, staff, and visiting readers.

As part of an ongoing project, other lesser used materials identified in the New College library will also be moved out to the Library Annexe. This will create space for the more relevant and higher use items in the CSCNWW Collection, as identified via the retrieval service, to be housed at the New College library for easier browsing access.


Shelving in New College where space will be created to house higher use items from the CSCNWW Collection.

The Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non Western World (CSCNWW) Collection was originally a private donation to the New College library by Professor Andrew Walls. The collection has grown over time via additional donations and acquisitions, and contains a large amount of primary research material in the history of Christian missions in the non-western world.

For more information about the Centre for the Study of World Christianity please click on the link below:

Centre for the Study of World Christianity

Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

Requesting Electronic Delivery of Journal Articles and/or Book Chapter Scans from the Annexe

In addition to the item retrieval service for books and journals, we also provide electronic delivery of scanned journal articles and chapters from items held out at the Library Annexe.

There are two starting points from which to make a request for an article or book chapter:

  1. Use the Library Catalogue, and select ‘Library Annexe Scan Request’
  2. If you know the article or chapter you require, log in to ILLiad.

The User Guide provides information on using ILLiad to make a request for the digital delivery of a scan:

You do need to register with ILLiad to receive the requested scans, however registration is free and needs doing only once.

Interesting fact: in the last year the Annexe Team processed a total of one-thousand-and-ninety-seven scan requests for an average of fifty requests per week.

Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

Western General Hospital Library and the Annexe

The University of Edinburgh Library operates on a number of sites around the city. One of these is the Western General Hospital Library which holds part of the University’s medicine collections, including literature covering oncology, gastroenterology and neurology.

Brain Model for use by Staff and Students at the Western General Hospital Library

Libraries are not only about books. Staff and students at the Western General Hospital Library can also make use of this Brain Model.

The Western General Hospital Library is open to both staff and students of the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian staff. There are computers connected to both the University’s network and NHS Knowledge Network to provide a great range of information access.

The Library Annexe has been working closely with the Western General Hospital Library to identify duplicate runs of journal series, or gaps in runs held by either the Western General Hospital Library and the Annexe. By identifying where duplicate runs are held and moving an entire run from the Western General Hospital Library to the Library Annexe, or using items held in the Library Annexe to fill gaps in journal runs being held at the Western General Hospital Library we are able to provide a more comprehensive and complete information experience for our readers.

Shelves at the Western General Hospital with gaps from the de-duplication.

Exciting new space on the shelves from de-duplication means more room for additional materials.

Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

ECA Collection at the Annexe : Dame Blackadder

A series of articles on the relationship between the Library Annexe and the ECA.

One of the gems being stored out at the Annexe amongst the ECA Collection is the below oil panting by Dame Elizabeth Violet Blackadder.

(c) Elizabeth Blackadder; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation

Tuscan Landscape by Elizabeth V. Blackadder, Oil on paper, 51 x 71 cm, Collection: ECA part of University of Edinburgh Fine Art Collection

A Scottish painter and printmaker, in 1962 Blackadder began teaching at Edinburgh College of Art where she continued until her retirement in 1986.

She is the first woman to be elected to both the Royal Scottish Academy and the Royal Academy.

Her work can be seen at the Tate Gallery, the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and has appeared on a series of Royal Mail stamps.

If you are interested in the paintings stored out at the Annexe, the BBC have digitised the collection and made it available on the web page ‘Your Paintings’.


Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

How to request material stored in the Library Annexe

The Library Annexe is the off-site store for lesser-used material.

All students and staff can request items from the Library Annexe to support their learning, teaching and research. This service is provided free of charge for staff and students of the University of Edinburgh.

Each year staff at the Annexe deal with a large number of requests for this material; in 2011-12 this included supplying 3,300 books and journals, delivering 1,400 scans and responding to 552 email enquiries.

General Collections material

If you wish to consult a whole journal or book, you may request the item using the Library Catalogue. For more information on how to do this we recommend you read the Library Annexe Item Request Users’ Guide

Items are delivered to the Main Library and site libraries via two courier deliveries each day. For more information on when you can expect to pick up your request you can learn about delivery times for requested material

Wanting to request something? Use the Library catalogue to make a request!


Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

ECA Collection at the Annexe: British Art

A series of articles on the relationship between the Library Annexe and the ECA.

Among the items from the ECA Collection being stored at the Annexe are some stunning examples of British Art that were purchased in the 50s with funding provided by the Carnegie Trust.

Including some works by Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, and Augustus John.

Library of Congress, Bain Collection

Augustus John poses for the American press on board a ship.

If you are interested in the paintings stored out at the Annexe, the BBC have digitised the collection and made it available on the web page ‘Your Paintings’.


Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant

ECA Collection at the Annexe : Storage

A series of articles on the relationship between the Library Annexe and the ECA.

The Annexe provides a great space to store, sort, preserve and work on collections.

Improvements to the storage of materials are always on-going. Recently staff from the ECA have been working hard out at the Annexe lining shelves with Plastazote, a hard foam, to protect the paintings.

Volunteers, lining shelves with Plastazote to protect paintings stored at the Library Annexe

Volunteers, Siobhan & Catriona, lining shelves with Plastazote to protect paintings stored at the Library Annexe

Plastazote is used in conservation for many purposes. It is used for packaging and the protection of various fragile objects and artifacts. Also, to create book rests and display supports.

So what is it? Plastazote foam sheets are a high density light weight chemically neutral and inert polyethylene foam material. Catch all of that? This means that the foam is inert and acid free so it won’t react chemically with any conservation material it comes into contact with. The high density foam can be cleanly cut and sculptured to most shapes. Both of these factors make it great for packing archival boxes to fit the object, such as rare books and other valuable items that are subject to potential damage.

Plastazote lined shelves at the Library Annexe

The finished product.

By lining the shelves out at the Annexe, we are creating a more secure, safe, preserving space for the ECA Collection to ensure that the Collection will be in top condition to be enjoyed for many years to come.


Stephanie Farley (Charlie), Library Annexe Assistant