It is all over now! Or at least, very soon now. The 8 weeks flew past, my internship is nearly over and now all that is left is to take a look at what has and has not been done in the meantime.
What is done is a very nearly complete listing of the New Zealand House collection that has already started making its way into the catalogue (although it will take a while), but the process has now been set in motion; here is a sample:
Report by the Right Hon. the Earl of Jersey, G.C.M.G., on the Colonial Conference at Ottawa
A list of House of Lords items to assist an NLS digitisation project and a stock-check of Special collections material are also things that are done. However there are still lots of highlights of the internship that I haven’t had the chance to share.
My little side project, Oroboros the Caterpillar had a sudden metamorphosis – not into a butterfly but into this:
By the way I still don’t know who added the mast, and wouldn’t mind finding out (but good job whoever!)
Also, amusing old advertisements:
…and oh, so wrong slightly more current ones:
Pretty pictures of New Zealand from a booklet on the 1907 international exhibition:
So much more I want to share, but better be reasonable and stop.
These past eight weeks were lovely, and who knows what comes next?
In any case: farewell from me, at least for now.
Nik Slavov, Hidden Collections intern