This month we’re featuring a small selection of new titles purchased to support the area of Social Work in the School of Social and Political Science.
Language practices in social work : categorisation and accountability in child welfare by Christopher Hall, Stef Slembrouck and Srikant Sarangi. (shelfmark: HV29.7 Hal.)
Introduction to the psychology of ageing for non-specialists by Ian Stuart-Hamilton (shelfmark: BF724.8 Stu.)
Re-imagining child protection : towards humane social work with families by Brid Featherstone, Sue White and Kate Morris (shelfmark: HV751.A6 Fea.)
Check the Library Catalogue for full details of the books including number of copies, location and availability. Access to e-books is only available to students and staff of University of Edinburgh.
You may find some of these books in the New Books display on the 1st floor of the Main Library, where a selection of new books from all subjects across the University are held. Books on these display shelves can be borrowed as normal.
Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for Social and Political Science.