Discover Gaelic Special Collections from New College Library

Dan spioradail

—Grant, Peter. Dain spioradail. Elgin : Peter Macdonald, bookseller, 1837. New College Library Gaelic Collections 250.

Did you know that over 400 items which together form the Gaelic Collections at New College Library have recently been catalogued online?  Come and join me at the Pop-up Library (on the first floor of the Main Library) on Wednesday 22 October, 10-12 pm, to find out more.

The Gaelic Collection contains several editions of  “Dain spioradail ” by the celebrated hymn writer Peter Grant, and this edition at Gaelic Coll. 250  is the fifth edition, considerably enlarged and improved from earlier editions. It was published in Elgin, in the highlands of Scotland.

The title page information refers to Grant’s Gaelic name Pàdraig Grannd nan Òran, which means ‘Peter Grant of the songs’. Grant was a Baptist minister, born on 30 January 1783 at Ballintua, Strathspey, Scotland. He was a skilled fiddle player, who was able to set his poems on evangelical themes to well known tunes which were popular into the twentieth century.  This work is typical of the works in the Gaelic Collection, which contains many volumes of religious poetry. The Gaelic Collection was put together from various sources, including a substantial donation from the bequest of the Rev. Roderick Macleod.

Christine Love-Rodgers, Academic Support Librarian – Divinity

Discover Special Collections from New College Library

Bible, 1695

Did you know that, out of the 250,000+ books held at New College Library, over a third are Special Collections? Come and join me at the Pop-up Library (on the first floor of the Main Library) on Wednesday 8 October, 2-4 pm, to find out more.

  • New College Library rare book collections include the Acta Sanctorum (1643-1794), early printed Bibles in Latin, Greek, English and polyglot versions, incunabula and the Hymnology Collection.
  • Archival collections focus on the papers of significant individuals or groups connected with New College and the Church of Scotland or Free Church of Scotland, including Thomas Chalmers, J.H.Oldham, and John McIntyre.
  • New College Library also holds a collection of objects and pictures relating to New College and the Church of Scotland.

Explore New College Library’s Special Collections further at:

Or read more on the New College Librarian blog:

Christine Love-Rodgers, Academic Support Librarian – Divinity

Library Pop – Get Library Smart!

Library-Pop-Bottle_White_bl smallCome and meet members of the Library Academic Support team at the Pop up Library at 11am on Tuesday 8 September and find out more about the new Get Library Smart information skills resource. Newly developed from materials written for students by the Library Academic Support Team, this resource aims to help everyone at the University of Edinburgh get the best from the Library.  As well as a toolkit to help you  get your hands on the library materials you need, you’ll find step by step guides through the library experience of searching, discovering and managing  information. What’s more, we’ll regularly be delivering bite-sized chunks in blog form to answer key questions and signpost you to what’s relevant for your subject.

Christine Love-Rodgers, Library Academic Support Team