Edinburgh Research Explorer Statistics: July 2019

Edinburgh Research Explorer: July 2019 downloads infographic - Chart: Downloads per month (per academic year) 2016-2019

Edinburgh Research Explorer • www.research.ed.ac.uk • July 2019: 88,520 downloads

  Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July
2016-17                   48k 46k 41k
2017-18 41 47 54 65 55 59 54 87 64 71 53 53
2018-19 56 58 80 87 66 86 80 99 98 94 86 89

Edinburgh Research Explorer doesn’t take holidays anymore:
• 66% increase on July last year, & the 4th highest monthly total ever, for one of the quieter months
• 978, 058 in the year-to-August, a 39% increase, missing the million mark by less than 2 weeks

TOP 5 downloads [D/Ls] for July 2019:

01. Is football bigotry confined to the west of Scotland? The Heart of Midlothian and Hibernian Rivalry
Kelly, John • 1,237 D/Ls • https://edin.ac/2IcSwHv • Moray House
Back at the top after a month, just in time for the football season (7,703 in total)

02. Tubby’s dub style:The live art of record production
Williams, Sean • 978 D/Ls • https://edin.ac/2wr74fE • ECA

03. Personality Structure in the Domestic Cat (Felis silvestris catus), Scottish Wildcat (Felis silvestris grampia), Clouded Leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia), and African Lion (Panthera leo): A Comparative Study
Gartner, Marieke Cassia; Powell, David M.; Weiss, Alexander
 • 833 D/Ls • https://edin.ac/328jp71 • PPLS

04.   The Reform of the Law of Directors’ Duties in UK Company Law
Cabrelli, David • 662 D/Ls • https://edin.ac/2woSUM3 • Law

05. Picture-Book Professors: Academia and Children’s Literature
Terras, Melissa • 566 D/Ls • http://edin.ac/2MyJI16 • AHSS

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