Welcome to arriving students at New College Library!


A big welcome to all our new students arriving today. New College Library holds over 250,000 volumes, including rich and unique Special Collections, making it one of the leading theological libraries in Britain.  In addition to the books there are online collections – electronic journals, electronic books and databases which the University subscribes to support your studies and research. As the Academic Support Librarian, my role is to help students get the most out of using the Library. Welcome Week is a good opportunity to take a little time to get to know the Library – do this now and you’ll be paid back later on in your studies.

Here’s my top tips for arriving students to get to know New College Library:

 1. Come to the Library

  • Bring your University card to get into New College Library
  • From next week the Library is open 9am-6pm-10 Mon-Thurs, 9am-5pm Fridays, 12noon – 5pm on Saturdays. Remember that you can also use the Main Library which is open longer at weekends.

2. Take a tour

  • I’m running Library Tours on Wednesday 16th for postgraduate students and on 22, 24 and 29 September at 1.15pm for undergraduates – and anyone else who would like a tour.
  • New College Library Guide leaflets will be available to pick up the Library
  • Or take a look at the Virtual Tour of the Library

3. Check out what’s online

And don’t be afraid to ask us for help !

Christine Love-Rodgers – Academic Support Librarian, Divinity

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