Chinese calligraphy on display at New College Library


Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting. New College Library, Inglis 23.

On display in the New College Library entrance this week is the  beautiful Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting (Inglis 23). This is a classic treatise of calligraphic art on silk, by calligraphers Wen-Yuan T’ang and Chin-Ch’ang in 1682.

This volume is one of the five volume set, bound in silk, which was given to New College Library in 1921 by the Rev. James W. Inglis, Missionary to Manchuria for the United Free Church of Scotland.

New Chinese journal at New College Library

Sino-Christian Studies

I’m pleased to be able to say that the journal Sino-Christian Studies is now available at New College Library at Per S.

Sino-Christian studies : an international journal of Bible, theology & philosophy = Han yu jidu jiao xue shu lun ping  = 漢語基督敎學術論評  is a bilingual journal, published twice a year by the  Institute of Sino-Chinese Studies, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan.

This journal is one of a number of Chinese journals being purchased this year to support developing areas of research and teaching in World Christianity, in the School of Divinity.

New books at New College Library – January

Relative dimensions in faithNeuroscience, Psychology & ReligionNew College Library has a regular display of new books at the far end of the Library Hall, close to the door to the stacks.

New in this month is Time and relative dimensions in faith : religion and Doctor Who, edited by Andrew Crome and James McGrath  at  PN1992.77.D6273 Tim.    Also new is Neuroscience, psychology, and religion : illusions, delusions, and realities about human nature,  by Malcolm A. Jeeves, at BL53 Jee.

These titles were purchased for Theology & Ethics at the School of Divinity, Edinburgh University.

You can see an regularly updated list of new books for New College Library on the Library Catalogue – choose the New Books Search and limit your search to New College Library. Here’s a quick link to new books arriving in the last few weeks. A word of caution – some of the books listed here may still be in transit between the Main Library (where they are catalogued) and New College Library, so not on the shelf just yet.