Researching the motherhood of God

The School of Divinity at New College hosts a colloquium on June 7, 1:00 – 4:30 on Women, Language, and Worship in the Church of Scotland – see the blog or facebook page for more details.

 In 1984, a report was submitted to the General Assembly by Anne Hepburn,  president of the Women’s Guild, which explored how God might be referred to as a Mother figure as well as a Father in the New Testament, and the implications for gender inclusive language within the Church. New College Library holds this report in the Reports of the General Assembly (at  sLX 50 B) and it was also reprinted separately as a volume in its own right (at pRQ 20 MOT, New College Library). The report received a hostile reception, which was widely reported in the Scottish and National Press.

New College Library holds substantial collections of order of service books and hymnbooks, which researchers can access to see if the 1984 report did have an impact on Church practice. These include the Hymnology Collections as well as the fourth edition of the Church Hymnary (2005),  on the shelf at New College Library at Ref. BV431 Chu.

One thought on “Researching the motherhood of God

  1. Christine, delighted you flagged up the Colloquium conference and provided links. I have now uploaded the papers presented – for both reading, and as podcasts. The link is here:
    Given the positive response to the event, we are hoping to run another around the same time next year and will send information once we have a programme ready.
    Many thanks on behalf the Colloquium team
    Nikki Macdonald

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