Tag Archives: Prof Sir Godfrey Thomson

A few of my favourite things…II

In the next instalment of interesting objects (chosen solely on the discerning basis that I rather like them!) are these intelligence testing blocks from the Godfrey Thomson unit:

TestingBlocksTesting blocks were (and are) used in several intelligence tests, including the WAIS intelligence tests and Wechsler tests.  The individual is presented with the blocks and cards with patterns on them, and tasked with replicating the patterns with the blocks against a timer.  This measures spacial ability.

Sadly, the accompanying cards have not survived (though this is perhaps just as well, since they would have resulted in procrastination en masse here in the archives!).

However, purely for entertainment purposes are the following teasers for you to try your hand at:



* Before embarking on this endeavour, the reader is advised that we do not have the answers!