Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research – Edinburgh

The Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research was created in 1986 when the Animal Breeding Research Organisation (ABRO) and most of the Poultry Research Centre (PRC) were amalgamated to form the Edinburgh Research Station along with the Cambridge Research Station which was also known as the Institute of Animal Physiology at Babraham. These institutions developed from the animal breeding research station founded in 1919 by Dr F. A. E. Crew. While ABRO concentrated on long term breeding experiments and genotypes and their environment; the PRC concentrated on aspects of poultry biology. Both, however, developed research interests in molecular genetics which was the common denominator in the reasons for them joining together. According to P.E. Lake’s 1986-87 report, ‘the aims of the Edinburgh Research Station are to advance fundamental, scientific knowledge of the molecular, cellular and systemic processes that contribute to the development, fertility, behaviour and welfare of livestock. Further objectives are to seek genetic improvement of livestock by research on gene transfer and embryo manipulation within a framework of selected breeding derived from careful traits.’ He noted that their goal was to integrate the Research Station into one site at Roslin by 1989.