Use Searcher to find Library resources

Smart searching with Searcher is bookending  the Pop up Library next week (see what I did there?).






Get up early on Monday morning and come to the Main Library 10am -12 noon and find out how using Searcher makes finding Library resources, such as, books, e-books and ejournal articles  quick and easy.

Think of Searcher like a Library Google.  There’s one search box for your keywords searching thousands of Library resources. Searcher is set up to only return results for content the Library subscribes to, or has in its collections, and to show books and e-books at the top of your results list.

Top tip:  Use keyword search and a combination of author and title keywords. Miss out any punctuation.

For example, to find the following  journal article:

  • T. H. Breen, “Ideology and Nationalism on the Eve of the American Revolution: Revisions Once More in Need of Revising,” Journal of American History, 84 (1997):13-39.

Search keywords : Breen Ideology Nationalism American Revolution

The article is the first result and there is a link to JSTOR to read the full text.

It couldn’t be easier.

If you don’t make it out of your bed in time for Monday’s session, we’ll be back at the Pop up Library desk on Friday afternoon 2-4pm.  Bring your reading list, we’ll show you how to find stuff and answer your Searcher- related questions.

Angela Laurins, Library Learning Services Manager


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