The film above is a review of the artworks referenced in the first three volumes of a four volume Ph.D. thesis by Ivor Davies from 1974:
Certain Aspects Of Art Theory In Russia From 1905 To 1924 In Their Relationship To The Development Of Avant-Garde Art And Ideas In The West
This post is made in tribute to the mind-numbingly monotonous, pre-DTP, efforts of Ivor Davies and the 400 plus images he had to select, collect, collate, mount, label, title, and annotate (presumably in triplicate). At 3 seconds an image it still takes more than 17 minutes to review, which is probably at least 12 minutes more than you have available to watch!!
The soundtrack is a public domain recording by Pfaul, A. from Trois Sonneries de la Rose+Croix ("Three Sonneries of the Rose+Cross") i. Air de l'Ordre ("Air of the Order") 5:30 ii. Air du Grand MaƮtre ("Air of the Grand-Master") 7:00 iii. Air du Grand Prieur ("Air of the Grand-Prior") 4:15 A piano composition by Erik Satie, first published in 1892, whilst he was composer and chapel-master of the Rosicrucian "Ordre de la Rose-Croix Catholique, du Temple et du Graal. It doesn't quite fit the period and it's obviously not of Russian origin, but it happened to be around 17 minutes long and available.