Open Access Week at the University of Edinburgh

Every week is open access week at the University of Edinburgh. From April 2016 – June 2018 the University of Edinburgh has made 11,793 research outputs open access. This represents 89% of the research published that could be submitted to the REF2020 exercise.

During the period Sept-2017 to Sept-2018 over 774,535 research outputs were downloaded from the Edinburgh Research Explorer. This equates to nearly 65,000 downloads per month.

The five most popular papers written by University of Edinburgh authors are listed below:

Title Author(s) ItemURL Total downloads
Personality Structure in the Domestic Cat , Scottish Wildcat , Clouded Leopard, Snow Leopard and African Lion: A Comparative Study Gartner, Marieke Cassia; Powell, David M.; Weiss, Alexander 27,846
Tubby’s dub style :The live art of record production Williams, Sean 10,782
Predicting loss given default (LGD) for residential mortgage loans:A two-stage model and empirical evidence for UK bank data Leow, M.; Mues, C. 5,673
There’s no madness in my method: Explaining how your research findings are built on firm foundations Saunders, Mark N. K.; Rojon, Celine 5,585
The past, present and future of China’s automotive industry: a value chain perspective Oliver, N.; Holweg, Matthias; Luo, Jianxi 4,958


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