The Scholarly Communications Team estimates that staff at the University of Edinburgh write, edit or contribute to over 500 books annually and the Library aspires to hold two copies of each of these books (one for general loan, one for preservation). In light of this aspiration, Edinburgh University Library has developed a policy relating to the acquisition of institutionally authored books, which encourages staff to donate two copies to the library, wherever this is possible.
Today we received our first donations under this policy, Performing Civility by Dr Lisa McCormick. Lisa generously sent two copies to the Scholarly Communications Team, which has checked that there is a record of the research output on PURE. The print copies have now been sent for cataloguing and should be available very shortly.
Congratulations to Lisa, firstly on her publication and secondly for being the first to donate copies of books under this new policy!
Dominic Tate, Scholarly Communications Manager.