Today the School of Divinity will mark 500 years since Martin Luther nailed the Ninety Five Theses to the door of Wittemberg Church with a public lecture from Durham University’s Professor Alec Ryrie, a leading scholar of Reformation History, who will speak on ‘Protestants and their Bibles from the Reformation to the Present’.
In New College Library, a display in the Library Hall showcases some of Luther’s early publications. Martin Luther’s prolific publishing output in Latin and German preserves the arguments that shook Catholic Europe. Much more can be seen at the Incendiary Texts exhibition to be held at the Centre for Research Collections, Main Library, 10 November 2017-8 March 2018.
Texts currently on display in New College Library include a vellum bound edition of Luther’s shorter works, published in Basel, 1520.

Martin Luther (1483-1546) R. P. Doct. Martini Lutherii … lucubrationem pasrs una, quas aedidit usq [Collection of smaller works] (Basel, 1520) L3/2