New online resources for SPS: China Law Info and PAIS International

The Library has recently subscribed to the online databases China Law Info and PAIS International.


China Law Info
China Law Info is a bilingual database for China legal documents and information. The database provides both the original Chinese version and the English translation of China laws and regulations, judicial cases, tax treaties, white papers, law journals and gazettes, as well as other China legal information such as legal news and legislative/regulatory updates. The database is updated daily.


PAIS International
PAIS (originally, the Public Affairs Information Service) International covers issues in the public debate through selective coverage of a wide variety of international sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, web content, and more. PAIS International is the current file covering 1972 to present. Fields of study covered include:

  • Civil rights movement
  • Economic conditions
  • Energy resources and policy
  • Government
  • Health conditions
  • Human rights
  • International relations
  • Labour conditions and policy
  • Politics
  • Social conditions

You can access China Law Info and PAIS International via the Databases A-Z list on the Library website.

Caroline Stirling – Academic Support Librarian for Social and Political Science

One thought on “New online resources for SPS: China Law Info and PAIS International

  1. Pingback: New databases in July | E-Resources @ University of Edinburgh

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