Monthly Archives: July 2019

Resource Lists Framework

The Resource Lists Framework states that Resource Lists are the preferred route to manage library materials for teaching, summarises the service you can expect from the Library and outlines good practice.

The Resource List Framework has been developed by Library & University Collections in consultation with, and is supported by, Learning and Teaching Committee, Library Committee and the Vice Presidents of Education and Activities & Services from the Students’ Association.

Key features of the Framework:

  • States that Resource Lists are the preferred route to request Library resources for teaching;
  • Communicates key information to staff on use of the Resource Lists service;
  • Includes definitions of the priorities used for Resource List readings, ‘Essential, ‘Recommended’, and ‘Further reading’.
  • Encourages Course Organisers to make use of digital formats, when possible;
  • Sets out roles and responsibilities for Course Organisers and the Library.

Read the Resource Lists Framework in full

Suggested good practice

The Framework encourages Course Organisers to consider how students will access key materials and manage their course reading. Working in consultation with the Vice Presidents of Education and Activities & Services from the Students’ Association, seven principles of good practice have been suggested and are described in the Framework.

‘Resource Lists are most useful to students if they are…’

  1. Easy to access
  2. Clearly laid out
  3. Prioritised and annotated
  4. Up to date
  5. Realistic
  6. Collaborative
  7. Made available to the Library in good time.

Feedback and review

The Library will review the Resource Lists Framework and service in consultation with Course Organisers and Edinburgh University Students’ Association and update as required.

If you would like to comment or provide feedback on the Framework, please contact