Authority Control

Changes in SkylightUI

Changes to skylight to make the authority control more generic rather than
specific to dctitle

A more generic label for authority control can be specified using <<search URL>>.xml?field=<<label>>
which returns a list of records with (label match, record url) information.

For example, a search on

would give the following results to feed into dspace (or any external entity) for authority control

<dctitle> Nanoscope I </dctitle>
<url> http://skylightURL/record/<<recordid>> </url>

Changes in Dspace

Additional classes have been added to dspace/dspace-api/src/main/java/org/dspace/content/authority to
support the SkylightUI querying protocol as well as provide the authority control feature in dspace
Submission/Admin UI.

org/dsapce/content/authority/SkylightAPIProtocol class supports the querying of skylight UI for search
results. The results are parsed and then fed into the submission/admin UI for lookup/suggest.

org/dspace/content/authority/SkylightEquipmentTitle class defines the label on which the authority control
feature is supported and needs to be added to teh choice authority plugin in the dspace configuration.
(In this case, our equipment names are mapped onto dc.title, hence we are more focussed
on dctitle, but again this can be configured in any relevant fields)

Finally, the lookup/suggest feature can be configured in the dspace.cfg file as follows: = \
org.dspace.content.authority.SkylightEquipmentTitle = ETitle

choices.plugin.dc.title = ETitle
choices.presentation.dc.title = suggest
authority.controlled.dc.title = true

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