Halloween Zombie Apocalypse (or how to access Library resources off campus)

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Jack-o%27-Lantern_2003-10-31.jpgHalloween! Zombies! Candy!

The Zombie Apocalypse is here and the real question is how do you survive both the zombies and your studies at the same time? 

Stay calm … arm yourself with this list: Zombie Apocalypse Guide – How to access resources during a zombie outbreak (or any other event that may affect access to University services).


This guide created by the Library Learning Services team using Resource Lists @ Edinburgh provides handy tips on how library services can be accessed remotely and off campus. It also provides information on h
ow to get the most use from Resource Lists and provides direction towards self-study in the areas of zombie outbreak and survival.Image source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/petehogan/5416999952

Library Learning Services will be up on the first floor of the Main Libraryfrom 10am-12noon this Halloween (31st October) to answer all your off-campus and Zombie Apocalypse questions.

Attractions may include: pumpkins, zombies, games, chocolates, lollipops, assorted candy.

Note: if you are not already, you will be prompted to log in to EASE to access subscription content.


Stephanie Farley

Library Learning Services Assistant