A Fond Farewell

Friday arrived all too soon and before we knew it the first of our Knowledge Exchangers was having to depart for the airport. After a morning of workshops and metadata games in the hands of Claire, Scott and Gavin we had a final feedback and farewell session.


For me the week had been a great success with the group pulling together from the very start and allowing us to have a highly engaging and informative week. And a most enjoyable week too. A huge thank you to everybody for being part of Knowable Engage Week 2016 and for contributing so fully. We hope that there will be ideas and thoughts taken away and that the relationships built in Edinburgh will continue after everybody has returned home. A few seeds have also been sown for possible future collaborations and our doors remain firmly open for any follow up conversations, sharing of ideas and future visits.

A big thank you and a very fond farewell to Ruth, Kate, Bert, Anna, Rebecca, Katrina, Barbara, Siri, Belen, Nadja, Ryan, Özhan, Jürgen, Eleanor and Gordon.

….and to round it all off one final trip of the week took us to the Anatomical Museum for a very informative tour courtesy of Ruth Pollitt. And a final appearance by the infamous William Burke who has been popping up from time to time throughout the week!

anatomical museum

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